Library and Publishing Complex of Siberian Federal University

Library and Publishing Complex of Siberian Federal UniversityLibrary and Publishing Complex (LPC) has been founded pursuant to the order of Rector of Siberian Federal University № 808 issued on 16.06.2010. The purpose of the LPC is providing educational, scientific, administrative departments of the University and other customers with library, publishing and polygraphic services.

The Library and Publishing Complex includes:

  • Scientific Library;
  • Polygraphic Center;
  • Publishing Center;
  • Resource Center.

Main tasks of  the Complex are:

  • supporting of scientific and educational processes by providing information, polygraphic, editorial and printing services.
  • giving  access to domestic and international intellectual resources and delivering publication of scientific results for the faculty of Siberian Federal University.
  • arrangement and participation in carrying various university wide events such as seminars, conferences, round tables and etc.

Missions of the Library and Publishing Complex are:

  • management of library, bibliographic and information activities arranged in the best interests of students and faculty of Siberian Federal University.
  • publication of educational and scientific editions, including the electronic ones.
  • copying of printing materials of different purposes.
  • development of managerial, methodical and technological materials of different purposes.
  • consolidation of information resources of scientific and educational institutions of different levels in Krasnoyarsk city, in the Krasnoyarsk Region and in the Siberian Federal District.
  • organizational and technological assistance at events held in the Scientific Library.


Baryishev Ruslan Alexandrovich
79/10 Svobodny pr., Room B2-16, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 291-27-46
E-mail: [email protected]

Deputy Director
Zaharov Pavel Alexeevich
79/10 Svobodny pr., Room B2-18, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 291-28-17
E-mail: [email protected]

  © Siberian Federal University