Publishing Center

Publishing CenterPublishing activity of Library and Publishing Complex of Siberian Federal University focuses on priorities in publications, professional processing of manuscripts (editing, typography, proofreading); support of publications made in Institution of Higher Education through required dispatch, conclusion of contracts with book-selling organizations, participation in competitions and book fairs domestically as well as internationally, On-line store creation and development of different kinds of edition presentations in libraries including electronic ones.

The Publishing Center provides students with educational and methodical textbooks, publishes scientific works of the faculty of Siberian Federal University.

Missions of the Publishing Center are:

  • Participation in edition plans development;
  • Submitting applications for processing and text publishing;
  • Recording and registration of received manuscripts as well as recommendatory documents checking;
  • Consultation on copyright protection and interests of the University; if required, preparing of copyright and license agreements according to established procedure;
  • Creating of a publishing portfolio consisting of works recommended for publication by reviewers for scientific works and by Curriculum and Instruction Department of Siberian Federal University for educational ones;
  • Editing preparation and manuscript processing (i.e. editing, typography, proofreading) with consideration of ways for further copying on print or machine-readable media;
  • Participation in development of universal style for publications on the basis of current standards;
  • Recording and control over the use of ISBN codes;
  • Required dispatch management and control over publications distribution;
  • Keeping of dummy layouts archive.

Web-site of Publishing Center –

Web-site of the Siberian Federal University of Journal –

Publishing Ethics

The publication in a peer-reviewed journal is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of authors and their institutions. Peer-reviewing of the articles makes it possible to follow the scientific school in the presenting research. Therefore it is important to harmonize the ethical principles for all parties involved in the publishing process: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher.

The Authors:

  • adhere to generally accepted standards of scientific reporting;
  • provide access to the data they have obtained;
  • submit original works, avoiding plagiarism and parallel publications in other journals;
  • confirm the sources of their data;
  • publish the results of studies that do not pose a hazard to humans or animals;
  • avoid a conflict of interests;
  • if necessary, correct the fundamental errors in the publishing papers.

The Journal Editors:

  • are responsible for everything that is published in the journal;
  • commit themselves to fair and impartial decision making independent of commercial interests and to organizing the process of impartial reviewing;
  • conduct an editorial policy ensuring maximum transparency and full accountability to the author;
  • protect the integrity of publications, making corrections if necessary, and issue grounded refusals for those whose manuscripts do not adhere to the research and publication ethics;
  • protect the rights of third parties from the unauthorized use of the materials;
  • disclose editorial conflicts of interest;
  • critically evaluate the ethics of research probing on humans and animals;
  • inform the authors and reviewers of what is expected from them.

The Peer Reviewers:

  • are involved in the formation of editorial policy, adhere to a term of articles reviewing deadlines and confidentiality of assessments;
  • formulate an objective and impartial review, if necessary;
  • proving their opinion with the reference to the source;
  • monitor and suppress conflict of interests situation.

The Publisher:

  • is committed to ensuring that advertising, reprinting or other commercial interests do not influence editorial decisions;
  • prove cooperation with other publishers and industry associations, including solving ethical issues, detecting errors and refutation publishing.


Alexandrova Olga Fedorovna
79 Svobodny pr., Room 32-03, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 206-21-49

Head of Print Products
Getman Anzhelika Alexandrovna
82 Svobodny pr., Room 01-06, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 206-26-57

Head of Electronic Products
Hazarzhan Svetlana Vladimirovna
82 Svobodny pr., Room 01-18, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 206-26-59

Head of Periodicals
Bastrygina Tatyana Evgenevna
79 Svobodny pr., Room 32-03, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 206-21-49

  © Siberian Federal University