Scientific Library

Scientific LibraryScientific Library of Siberian Federal University (SL SFU) – one of the main divisions of the University, providing high-quality information maintenance of educational process and scientific researches. The Library actively participates in cultural and educational and educational activity of Higher Education Institution and it is a platform for carrying out actions of federal and regional levels.

SL SFU provides to the users the created base of internal high school editions, full text analogs of educational and scientific literature, educational and methodical complexes of disciplines on educational programs of Siberian Federal University and other types of electronic editions from over 16 thousand documents.

The database of information resources of the remote access is created, including the largest databases of scientific information such as Elsevier Freedom Collection, Springer, Web of Science and others. For the present moment the largest electronic resource over 50 million documents is created, including accesses to 22 thousand names of license foreign journals are presented for users.

The qualitative structure of electronic information and educational resources allows the faculty members, the students and research associates to have receiving the earliest access to new researches and technologies, to receive an authoritative and reviewed content, to reveal the most quoted publications in profile fields of knowledge. The license agreements, received at the time of acquisition of databases, allow to provide these resources to all users of the University with access through IP addresses in each division of Siberian Federal University and through the system of electronic reading rooms of the Library. Internet access is provided to users of Siberian Federal University including students without restrictions.

As a platform the library web-site is developed for providing a uniform point of access for SL SFU electronic information resources ( with realization of access to the Electronic Library of Siberian Federal University, the distributed electronic catalog, the resources of remote access, the organization of work of virtual help service, news and other services.

Scientific Library provides service to over 40 thousand readers/users under the monthly library card, annually gives out about 3,5 million editions including electronic ones. In service of readers Scientific library of Siberian Federal University uses the latest information technologies, funds of documents and modern data carriers, provides access to global information space, promotes formation and training of highly professional experts.

Scientific Library unites 11 electronic reading rooms with a general capacity about 250 seats. Each electronic reading room is completed with the equipment, allowing to organize access to an electronic educational and scientific content and also to provide holding educational and scientific seminars, actions online (webinars) with the help of all modern interactive technologies (sound systems, video display systems, system of a video conferencing, system of actions record).

Main activities:

  • Information service for all categories of users.
  • High-quality formation of printed books and electronic educational resources.
  • Development of hardware and software for Electronic Library.
  • Information, bibliographic and scientometric support of inquiries of the faculty members and graduate students.
  • Services sector expansion for the users realized in the electronic environment.
  • Carrying out and participation in cultural and educational actions of high school, regional and federal levels.
  • Increase of information culture of users.
  • Participation in project and innovative activity.
  • Corporate library cooperation.


Zgurskaya Elena Mihaylovna
79/10 Svobodny pr., Room Б2-15, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. + 7 (391) 291-28-20
Fax: +7 (391) 291-27-73
E-mail: [email protected]


Head of Department of Trade and Economics Service
Yakovleva Tatyana Leonidovna
2 Lidy Prushinskoi av., Room 3-07, 660027 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 221-92-73
E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Department of Mining, Geology and Geotechnologies Service
Naprienko Elena Alexandrovna
66 Vavilova av., Room 1-01, 660025 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 206-37-51
E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Department of Service of Technical Sciences
Mozgo Irina Fedorovna
26/G Kirenskogo av., Room G3-80, 660027 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 291-21-72
E-mail: [email protected]

Reading Room of Legal Literature
6 Maerchaka av., Room 1-23, 660075 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7 (391) 221-62-67

Scientific Subscription of Legal Literature
6 Maerchaka av., Room 1-12, 660075 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7(391) 206-23-4

Reading Room for Institute of Military Training
13/A Akademgorodok av., 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Tel. +7(391) 206-32-93

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